I. DEFINITIONS – find out what the terms used in the Terms and Conditions
1. Customer – an entity, including a natural person, legal person or organizational unit that is not a legal person, to which special regulations grant legal capacity, having full legal capacity, who browses the content of the Store, uses the functionality of the Store, registers an Account, places an Order, or intends to conclude a Sales Agreement within the Store or concludes such an agreement.
2. Consumer – a natural person who performs a legal act with an entrepreneur not directly related to their business or professional activity.
3. Account – an individual panel dedicated to the Customer with Customer data and information regarding Orders, as well as their implementation, created in connection with the Account registration procedure.
4. Basket – an integral part of the Store and the shopping system, which contains a list of Goods selected by the Customer and other information related to the Order.
5. Seller – Plantwear.pl
6. Regulations – these Regulations for the provision of services by electronic means, as well as the sale of Goods, within the Store.
7. Shop – internet service available at www.plantwear.pl, through which the Customer can place Orders.
8. Goods – products presented and offered for sale in the Shop.
9. Sales Agreement – ​​sales agreement for Goods within the meaning of the Civil Code, concluded between Plantwear and the Customer, concluded using the online service of the Shop. Polish law applies to the Sales Agreement. The language of the Sales Agreement is Polish.
10. Order – declaration of will of the Customer, aimed directly at concluding the Sales Agreement, specifying in particular the type and number of Goods.

II. GENERAL PROVISIONS – find out who runs the store. Get to know the owner.
Contact details – electronic addresses: [email protected],
PW DESIGN SP. Z O.O. Ul. Łapiguz 104, 21-400 Łuków, KRS: 0001105019, NIP: 8252205935, REGON: 528594433, running the online store plantwear.pl under the name Plantwear.
Plantwear conducts retail sale of Goods in the territory of the Republic of Poland via the Internet and using the Store.
Plantwear provides services electronically in the form of a free possibility of browsing the content of the Store, maintaining an Account, providing the functionality of the Store, including an interactive Order form and concluding Sales Agreements using an IT system.

These regulations were created on the basis of art. 8 sec. 1 point 1 of the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of services by electronic means and in connection with the Act of 9 May 2014 on consumer rights. The Regulations define the principles of operation of the Store and its use, as well as the terms of sale of Goods within the Store, including in particular the terms of placing an Order and its modification, making payments and other rights and obligations of the Customer and Plantwear related to the conclusion of the Sales Agreement, in relation to: the provisions of the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of services by electronic means; Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (hereinafter referred to as GDPR), provisions of the Act of 9 May 2014 on consumer rights, provisions on the protection of personal data resulting from the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of services by electronic means and the Act of 10 May 2018 on the protection of personal data, provisions of the Civil Code. The Regulations specify in particular:
the rules for registering an Account on the website within which the Store is run, and for using an already registered Account,
the rules for placing Orders using the IT system,
the rules for concluding Sales Agreements using the IT system,
the terms of sale of Goods under Sales Agreements,
the rules for processing personal data.
The Regulations are available free of charge at the internet address www.plantwear.pl/regulamin, in a way that allows obtaining, reproducing and recording the content of the Regulations using the IT system used by the Customer. Anyone can read the Regulations free of charge.
The condition for using the Store, registering an Account or placing an Order in the Store is to read the Regulations and accept them. The Customer is obliged to comply with the provisions of the Regulations.

The Customer may terminate the use of the Store at any time free of charge.

In order to properly use the Store, including registering an Account and concluding Sales Agreements, the Customer should use an IT system that meets the following minimum technical requirements:
access to a computer station or other terminal device,
access to the Internet,
the ability to use an Internet browser, e.g.: Google Chrome version 21 or higher, Windows Internet Explorer 9 or higher, Windows Edge, Safari, Firefox, other,
screen resolution: 1280x800px.

In addition, the Customer should have an active e-mail address.

Plantwear ensures the protection of electronic transmission by using technical and organizational measures to protect data from being obtained by unauthorized persons (e.g. by requiring the use of a password to access the Account). At the same time, the Seller indicates that the use of the Internet and services provided electronically may be at risk of malware entering the Customer’s IT system and device, as well as unauthorized access to the Customer’s data, including personal data, by third parties. In order to minimize these threats, the Customer should use appropriate technical security measures, e.g. using antivirus programs or programs protecting user identification on the Internet.
If the Customer notices that any of the Store’s functions are not working properly, they should immediately inform Plantwear about it by filing a complaint via e-mail to the e-mail address indicated in Chapter I, paragraph 2 or in writing to Plantwear’s address indicated in Chapter I, paragraph 3. The complaint should include the Customer’s name and surname, correspondence address, Customer’s e-mail address and a description of the irregularities in the operation of the Store’s functions. Complaints will be considered within 14 days, and the Customer will be informed of their outcome via e-mail or in writing.

When using the Store, the Customer is prohibited from providing illegal content or taking actions aimed at improper operation of the Store, and actions that violate the law or are aimed at circumventing the law, as well as actions that are contrary to the principles of social coexistence or good customs, are also prohibited. Plantwear may limit or prevent access to the Store for Customers who violate the provisions of the Regulations, provide false personal data, violate applicable laws, or harm the good name of Plantwear or other Customers.


The Customer may create an individual Account to streamline the process of placing an Order, track the status of the Order on an ongoing basis, view the history of ordered Goods or modify their personal data and delivery address, as well as make purchases in the Store in the future, without having to re-provide the data referred to in the Regulations. For this purpose, the Customer completes the Account registration procedure.

Account registration is not obligatory. A Customer who does not have an Account may also be a party to the Sales Agreement concluded by way of a placed Order, provided that the condition for using the Store’s functionality and placing an Order by a Customer who does not have an Account is acceptance of the Regulations.

Account registration is performed by filling out the registration form in the manner specified in the Store, and then accepting it together with accepting the Regulations. Account registration may occur at any time.

In order to register an Account, the Customer should provide their e-mail address and create a password to access the Account, in accordance with the instructions provided in the Store. In order to protect their personal data and information related to Orders placed, the Customer should not provide their Account access password to third parties.
Confirmation of Account registration will be sent to the Customer’s e-mail address provided during Account registration.
After Account registration, each Account is accessed using the data provided by the Customer in the registration form (Customer’s e-mail address and Account access password). After using the Store, the Customer should log out of the Account each time.
If a Customer with an Account wants to place an Order using this Account, they should fill in the ADDRESSES – PAYMENT ADDRESS tab with the remaining personal data necessary to complete the Order: first name, last name, optionally the company name (company name), telephone number and residential address of the Customer, which is also the default delivery address for the ordered Goods.
The ADDRESSES – PAYMENT ADDRESS tab also contains the e-mail address provided during Account registration.
In the ADDRESSES – SHIPPING ADDRESS tab, the Customer may provide a different delivery address for the ordered Goods than the address provided in the ADDRESSES – PAYMENT ADDRESS tab.
All data provided by the Customer in the ADDRESSES tab may be changed by the Customer at any time by editing the Account, however, after the Customer places an Order, the data may only be changed by informing Plantwear about it at the e-mail address provided in Chapter II, paragraph 2 of the Regulations, until the Goods are sent to the Customer.

In the event of a change in the Customer’s data necessary to complete the Order, the Customer is obliged to enter their current data or to inform Plantwear about it at the e-mail address provided in Chapter II, paragraph 2 of the Regulations.
The Customer may supplement the Account data with their name and surname in the ACCOUNT DETAILS tab, however, this is not obligatory. The Customer may change this data at any time by editing the Account.
The provisions regarding the processing of personal data are included in the Final Provisions of the Regulations.
During registration, the Customer may consent to receiving commercial information via e-mail, within the meaning of Article 9 of the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of services by electronic means. Commercial information should be understood as advertising, promotional materials, newsletters and other information that contain content related to the promotion of Goods offered by the Store. The Customer may at any time and free of charge delete the Account together with all personal data by submitting such a request to Plantwear at the e-mail address provided in Chapter II, paragraph 2 of the Regulations or in writing to the address of Plantwear indicated in Chapter I, paragraph 3 of the Regulations.


Placing orders, concluding a sales agreement
Orders can be placed through the Store 24 hours a day, 7 days a week all year round.
Orders can be placed by Customers who have an Account and those who do not have an Account.
A Customer who has an Account may place Orders through this Account or bypassing it on the principles specified in paragraph 4 of the Regulations.
A Customer who does not have an Account places an Order bypassing the Account registration procedure and obtaining access to it by logging in, however, in the process of placing an Order, they are obliged to provide their data necessary for the Seller to fulfill the Order, i.e.: first name, last name, optionally the company name (company name), e-mail address, telephone number and residential address of the Customer (and payment address, if different from the delivery address of the Goods), which is also the default delivery address of the ordered Goods, as well as to accept the Regulations.
The Customer may also provide a different delivery address for the ordered Goods than their residential address.
When providing personal data, the Customer may register an Account, but this is not obligatory.
When placing an Order, the Customer may enter comments regarding the Order in the appropriate box (ORDER COMMENTS).
If the Customer wishes to receive a VAT invoice for the purchase of Goods, they should enter the VAT invoice data necessary for the correct issuance of a VAT invoice in the ORDER COMMENTS box.

The Basket contains information regarding the Goods selected by the Customer, their price, information regarding delivery methods and delivery costs. If the Customer has a coupon entitling them to discounts, they may enter it in the appropriate box in the Basket to obtain a discount. In the Basket, the Customer may also specify the quantity of the selected Goods that they intend to buy.
The Order is placed as a result of (in order): launching the Store’s website by entering the internet address www.plantwear.pl in the web browser, gaining access to the Store Account or using the Store without registering an Account, selecting the Product from those presented in the Store, optionally personalizing it (including engraving), adding the Product to the Cart, proceeding to the checkout, completing personal data (if the Customer does not use the Store through their Account), selecting the delivery and payment method and selecting the BUY AND PAY button.
By activating the “Order and pay” button, the Customer confirms that they are placing Orders with the obligation to pay.
In the process of placing an Order, until the BUY AND PAY button is activated, the Customer has the possibility of modifying it through the Store’s sales system.
After activating the BUY AND PAY button:

The Customer cannot modify the Order,
the Customer’s personal data may only be changed by informing Plantwear about it at the address provided in Chapter II, paragraph. 2 of the Regulations, e-mail address, until the Goods are sent to the Customer.

After placing the Order, a confirmation of acceptance of the Order is sent to the Customer’s e-mail address, which constitutes a confirmation of the conclusion of the Sales Agreement. The confirmation of acceptance of the Order contains the identification data of Plantwear, including the Plantwear address, Plantwear’s contact details, referred to in Chapter II, paragraph 2 and paragraph 3 of the Regulations, the Order number, the date of placing the Order, the ordered Goods, the price, the method and deadline for payment, Plantwear’s bank account number, the cost and method of shipment, the Customer’s data.

Plantwear will start fulfilling the Order provided that the Customer pays for the ordered Goods, unless the Customer has chosen cash on delivery, in which case Plantwear will fulfill the Order after the Customer receives confirmation of acceptance of the Order, referred to in paragraph 12 of the Regulations.

The content of the concluded Sales Agreement is recorded, secured and made available via the Store’s sales system, and confirmation of the conclusion of the Sales Agreement is sent via e-mail, as referred to in paragraph 12 of the Regulations. A Customer with an Account has access to the terms of the concluded Sales Agreement from their Account. In order to ensure the highest quality of customer service, Plantwear cooperates with the opineo.pl service, run by Opineo Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Wrocław. Transaction data is transferred to the opineo.pl service in order to contact the customer with a request to provide an opinion on the transaction concluded with Plantwear. Contact data (e-mail address) cannot be used by the opineo.pl service for purposes other than those described above.

Price and payment
The prices of the Goods given in the Store:
are retail prices.
do not include delivery costs, which depend on the choice made by the Customer when placing the Order.
in the case of export outside the European Union (including to Great Britain), they do not include customs fees and taxes that may be charged in the country of delivery.
If the Customer chooses the personalization option of the Goods (including engraving), they will be informed of its price. The price for personalization of the Goods is not included in the price of the Goods presented in the Store. Information about the price for personalization is also available in the Store next to the presented Goods.
Each time before placing an Order, the Customer is shown a price covering the total cost of the Goods (including the cost of personalization) and delivery. The Customer is obliged to pay the price for the Goods and for delivery.
The Customer may choose one of the following payment methods:
Through the PayU S.A. system with its registered office in Poznań, 60-166 Poznań, ul. Grunwaldzka 186, a national payment institution, supervised by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority, entered into the Register of Payment Services under number IP1/2012, entered into the register of credit intermediaries in the field of consumer credits, maintained by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority, under number RPK006833, entered into the register of entrepreneurs maintained by the District Court in Poznań – Nowe Miasto and Wilda in Poznań, 8th Commercial Division of the National Court Register under number KRS 0000274399, with the share capital of PLN 7,789,000, fully paid up, and the Tax Identification Number (NIP) 7792308495. The date of payment is deemed to be the date on which the payment is credited to the bank account of Plantwear or the intermediary (tpay.com – indicated in section.
With the exception of the Customer’s choice of payment “cash on delivery”, if the Customer does not make the payment within 7 days from the date of receipt of the confirmation of acceptance of the Order, Plantwear is entitled to cancel the Order or withdraw from the Sales Agreement, about which the Customer will be informed at the provided e-mail address.
If the Customer chooses payment “cash on delivery”, payment is made in cash to the courier of the courier company at the time of delivery of the Goods.
For each sold Goods, a sales document is issued in the form of a simplified bill, receipt or VAT invoice.
Prices given in the Store may change (e.g. as part of a promotional campaign or sale of the Goods). The terms of the Order, including the price for the Goods, may not be changed in relation to the Customer who placed the Order before the price change. Promotions in the Store cannot be combined.

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